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1Up Victoria Single Parent Resource Centre Society builds strong families and bright futures
A supportive community can make all the difference in someone's life
1Up Victoria Single Parent Resource Centre Society builds strong families and bright futures image

Since 1978, the 1Up Victoria Single Parent Resource Centre Society has been supporting single parents in our local community, building strong families and bright futures. Amy’s story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of parental love. It also demonstrates how a supportive community can make a huge impact on someone’s life. 

Six years ago, Amy came to 1Up when her son London was only ten months old. She had managed to flee an abusive relationship with London’s father and was at the beginning of her healing journey after experiencing trauma, abuse, and battling PTSD.

Amy felt a sense of isolation that is common for parents who find themselves in the new world of single parenthood. Feeling isolated and overwhelmed by the many changes and responsibilities in her life, Amy reached out to 1Up for support through the Single Parent Resource Centre.

Amy soon joined the Moms and Mentors program and was matched with an “awesome” mentor. The support and encouragement from her mentor, combined with the bonding and learning at group activities, helped Amy to improve her outlook on life.

At 1Up, Amy found a welcoming, generous and safe space to connect with other single parents. A space that encouraged her to share her experiences and provided support. Amy credits the Centre with being the “starting point of her growth.” Receiving gifts and food has made a big difference in easing the financial stress associated with being a single parent while offering London a healthy and happy life. 

Adamant to better their situation, Amy has forged ahead over the past six years. She has studied and graduated from Camosun College and is now proudly employed as a mental health and addictions worker. Her own experiences and successes are sure to lend strength and inspiration to others facing difficult circumstances. Amy wants everyone to realize that “we raise the future,” and the children of today are the adults of tomorrow. We need to combat poverty and ensure that people know they have access to help. 

Amy and London’s success story is so inspiring, and yet there are so many more courageous single parents who are in urgent need of support on their challenging journey. The support received by single parents can make the difference between barely getting by each month and being able to look ahead with confidence.

The assistance that 1Up provides is only possible with the support of the community and donors like you. Donations can make an incredible difference to the lives of families that need help. 

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